Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Last night me and James were talking about our wonderful wedding and how we have made it last almost a year. Its crazy all the stuff we have gone through. Not just since we have got married but since we have been together, Trust me we have been through some weird stuff but we some how always seem to stay together no matter what happens. I was telling him that some people need to get through the really hard times before you can benefit to the wonderful things! It will be 5 years this Christmas since we have been together and we have both changed together.. big time! But we at least grew together not appart...any one who really no's us new what happened a few months ago with our split up. Just so you all no were grate now for any one who wanted to no and were stronger then ever, I guess you could say that was one of the weird things we had to go through! Now all we got to do is have kids so we can have many adventures raising them lol!

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